What We Do

Ideation? Really?

What’s the difference between ‘ideas’ and ‘ideation?’ Pretty sure you can charge more if you toss about words like ‘Ideation.’ We don’t charge more, so instead we’ll just say that Antonym Partners excels at ideas. We create unique methods, strategies and projects that work with your mission; ideas that aren’t always conventional, and generate buzz and excitement because they’re new and different. Just as importantly, we follow through with implementation. In short, we come up with ideas that work. We would call this “Ideamentation,” but that has a rather more expensive ring to it.


It happens. A nonprofit has lost momentum, or wants to make a change but doesn’t know how. Maybe it’s new and hasn’t found its feet, or its calling. Antonym Partners can work with your organization, helping to sharpen that focus and hone that mission. When you do that, when you know who you are, your other goals, whether fundraising or community service or attracting new members, become much easier.

Marketing & PR

Ellen comes from the publishing and business world. She knows how to bring people together and get things done. Andy comes from the journalism and entertainment worlds. He knows what to say, how to say it, and what motivates people to pay attention. From logos and press releases to social media and event management, Antonym Partners can bring your projects to a wider audience.

Events & Projects

If you want to go beyond the ‘gala dinner fundraiser,’ Antonym Partners is for you. As you’ll see in our ‘Case Studies,’ we come up with innovative, often unique projects that expand your base and your profile in the community. We work with you and your staff – whether paid or volunteer – to devise and implement ideas that are achievable, sustainable, and not exactly ordinary.


We’re not programmers. We don’t scour GitHub for solutions to our missing input validation problems. But we do have experience helping nonprofits architect and build their sites. (Like this one: https://www.mlkheritage.org. Or this one: branfordvolunteers.org.) What do you want to say? How best to say it? And how might users interact with your site? We help organize your thoughts and priorities.